Did COVID-19 have an impact on shopping and eCommerce? You already know it did.  The trick for the future is learning how to use the lessons we’ve learned over the past two years and apply them to your eCommerce digital marketing efforts to disaster-proof your eCommerce business. Let’s dive right into the eCommerce statistics you need to know in 2022 and beyond.

130+ eCommerce Stats You Need to Know (Includes COVID-19 eCommerce Statistics):

General eCommerce Statistics

  1. India was the fastest growing eCommerce market in the world in 2021. (eMarketer)

  2. There are over 2 billion digital buyers in the world. (Statista)

  3. It is estimated that in 2021 there were possibly as many as 24 million eCommerce sites across the world. (WPForms)

  4. Less than 1 million eCommerce sites sell more than $1,000 per year. (WPForms)

  5. eCommerce grew to account for nearly 30% of all UK retail sales in Q3 2021.

  6. Online sales are expected to account for 24% of all retail sales worldwide in 2024.

  7. The revenue from eCommerce in the United States is expected to add up to over $560 billion by 2025.

  8. Online orders which were placed via an Android device had an average value of $76 million in Q3 2020. (Statista)

  9. In the United States, the online shopper conversion rate is about 2.17%. (Statista)

  10. 32% of consumers will pay more for a product from a sustainable brand. (Nosto)

  11. More than 40% of consumers wish that brands were more aggressive about displaying sustainable products to personalize their shopping experience more. (Nosto)

  12. The vast majority of environmentally conscious consumers (75%) would like brands to use less packaging. (Nosto)

  13. A third of consumers used the internet on a daily basis to get local business information in 2020. (Bright Local)

  14. On average, 60% of customers are open to the use of artificial intelligence to boost experiences. That being said, 65% have indicated that they’re worried about the unethical use of AI, while 54% are worried about bias in AI. (Salesforce)

  15. On average, about half of online stores offer omnichannel capabilities. (Oberlo)

  16. The average visit duration is more than six minutes for the world’s most popular eCommerce and shopping sites. (Netsuite)

  17. Visitors view more than six pages per visit on average when browsing the world’s most popular eCommerce and shopping sites. (Netsuite)

eCommerce Market Share Statistics

  1. China is the largest eCommerce market in the world and has over 50% of the global market share. (eMarketer)

  2. The second largest eCommerce market in the world is the US with a market share of about 20%. (eMarketer)

  3. The five biggest eCommerce markets have stayed the same since 2018. 

  4. It’s predicted that China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea will remain the top five markets till 2025. (eMarketer)

  5. By 2023, it’s expected that retail eCommerce sales in Asia-Pacific will be more than the rest of the globe combined. This can be attributed to advancements in tech and rapid urbanization. (Shopify)

  6. It was anticipated that worldwide eCommerce sales would be near the $5 trillion mark in 2021. 

  7. It’s expected that the global retail eCommerce sales will add up to $5.4 trillion in 2022. (eMarketer)

  8. Online retail sales in the United States are set to exceed the trillion-dollar mark by 2022. (Statista)

  9. While the United States might not have the biggest eCommerce market, the average revenue per online shopper is the highest in the US. It’s just over $1,800, followed by the United Kingdom ($1,629). (Invesp)

  10. It’s anticipated that by 2023 there will be 300 million online shoppers in the United States. To put this into perspective, it’s about 90% of the country’s population. 

  11. Fashion, media, and electronics are currently the most popular online shopping categories in the US. (Statista)

  12. B2B eCommerce sales in non-Western continents account for 84% of all global sales. (Shopify)

  13. B2B eCommerce is attracting a lot more attention than B2C eCommerce. When you compare the two markets’ total annual value, there’s a difference of nearly 300%. (Shopify)

  14. It’s expected that the B2B eCommerce market will expand by nearly 18% from 2020 to 2027. (Grand Review Research)

Consumer eCommerce Statistics

  1. The number of regular online shoppers over the age of 55 tripled in 2020. (Waitrose)

  2. Millennials aged 25–34 were the largest group of online buyers in the US in 2020 with those aged 35–44 making up the second largest group. 

  3. Less than 15% of people who shop online in the United States are 65 or older. (Oberlo)

  4. Just over 40% of customers revealed that they don’t trust businesses to tell the truth. 

  5. 46% of consumers have become more comfortable with the idea of buying expensive items online. (Baymard Institute)

  6. Nearly half of consumers actively pick businesses and brands that are environmentally responsible. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)

  7. In 2020, 41% indicated that they planned to buy more from online retailers during the holiday season. (Sykes)

  8. Almost 50% of online shoppers go straight to a big eCommerce marketplace. (Oberlo)

  9. 79% of consumers feel that the experience a business offers is just as important as its services or products. (Salesforce)

  10. 78% of customers will forgive a business for a mistake after receiving excellent customer service. (Salesforce)

  11. Just over 50% of customers expect offers to always be personalized. (Salesforce)

  12. 43% of customers currently use chatbots for basic customer service, while 27% have indicated that they’re interested in using it. (Salesforce)

  13. Just over 60% of customers have indicated that they’ve stopped supporting a business whose values didn’t match their own, while 59% have chosen to switch to a business because its values aligned with theirs. (Salesforce)

  14. Nearly 80% of online shoppers prefer to purchase products with info in their own home language. What’s more, 65% would prefer poor-quality content in their native language over content in another language. (CSA Research)

  15. The same research study has found that as much as 40% have indicated that they will never buy from an online store in other languages. (CSA Research)

Shipping and Cart Abandonment eCommerce Statistics

  1. Consumers name fast shipping speeds (76%) as the top indicator of a positive online shopping experience. (Marketing Charts)

  2. The average shopping cart abandonment rate is around 70%. 

  3. Extra costs like shipping, tax, and fees are the main reason for cart abandonment during checkout. (Baymard Institute)

  4. Almost 60% of shoppers abandoned their shopping carts within the last 90 days because they were just browsing. (Baymard Institute)

  5. The majority of online store owners expect that their customers will receive their orders within 14 days of shipping the order. (BigCommerce)

  6. As much as 70% of consumers revealed that they expected their online orders to take longer to get delivered during lockdowns. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)

  7. Free delivery is the main feature that encourages consumers to purchase online via one store over another. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)

  8. To add to the previous stat, according to Oberlo, the main reason why people shop online is free delivery. 

  9. In 2020, free delivery was still favored over fast delivery. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)

  10. Free returns is the main thing that consumers would change about online shopping. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)

  11. More than 80% of customers expect more flexible shipping options like the ability to buy online and collect at a store. (Salesforce)

Social eCommerce Statistics

  1. Online retailers with a social media presence get an average of 32% more sales than those that don’t. 

  2. The average eCommerce retailer publishes 4.55 posts each week on Facebook. (BigCommerce)

  3. Nearly 90% of online retailers in the United States have their own Facebook fan page. (HubSpot)

  4. On average, the Facebook community of an eCommerce site grows by 8% per month. (BigCommerce)

  5. Nearly 60% of Facebook users expect that they will get exclusive promos or deals when they become a fan. (HubSpot) 

  6. Just over 60% of social media users think that consumer ratings are the best. (HubSpot)

  7. 61% of consumers make use of search engines to find out more about a product before buying it. (HubSpot)

  8. Almost 50% of Gen Z and millennial shoppers indicated that they think social platforms are better places than online searches to get more info about new products. (Statista)

  9. Almost 40% of Twitter users revealed that they’ve bought a product as a direct result of a Tweet from an influencer. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

  10. 70% of shoppers use Instagram for product discovery. What’s more, 130 million Instagram accounts click on a shopping post to learn more about products each month. 

  11. 84% of millennials state that user-generated content (UGC) from strangers has some impact on their spending habits. (Search Engine Watch)

Mobile eCommerce Statistics

  1. In Q1 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) created nearly 55% of global website traffic. Since the start of 2017, this number consistently hovered around the 50% mark. (Statista)

  2. Between Q3 and Q3 2021, mobile network data traffic grew 42%. (Ericsson)

  3. It’s anticipated that 5G networks will carry more than 60% of the globe’s smartphone traffic by 2027. (Ericsson)

  4. It was forecasted that mobile commerce would account for almost 6% of all retail sales in 2021. (Statista)

  5. More than 10% of all retail sales in the US are expected to be generated by means of mobile commerce by 2025. (Statista)

  6. Mobile eCommerce accounts for more than 40% of eCommerce sales in the United States. 

  7. 66% of customers have indicated that they’ve used multiple devices to begin and complete a purchase. (Salesforce)

  8. Almost 80% of millennials use smartphones to find store info. (Comm100)

  9. It’s anticipated that global mobile ad spending will exceed desktop ad spending by 2022. (Statista)

  10. Global tablet conversion rates surpass desktop conversion rates. (Smart Insights)

  11. Nearly 80% of smartphone users have made a purchase online via their mobile device in the last six months. (OuterBox)

  12. The chances that a potential customer will leave a mobile web page increases by 32% when the web page takes longer than a second to load. (Oberlo)

  13. If a customer has a negative experience on a mobile website, they’re 62% less likely to buy from that store again. (Oberlo)

Email Marketing eCommerce Statistics

  1. Email is still the preferred channel. (Salesforce)
  2. People are spending less time reading brand emails. In 2020, the average time spent reading brand emails was 11.8 seconds. In 2021, it dropped to only 10 seconds. (Statista)
  3. On average, nearly 10 billion emails are sent per day in the United States of which 8.61 billion are spam emails. (Statista)
  4. It’s anticipated that by 2025 the number of daily emails that will be sent globally will be more than 376.4 billion. (Statista) 
  5. More than 40% of cart abandonment emails get opened. (Moosend)

Marketing and Advertising eCommerce Statistics

  1. Digital search accounted for 42% of total US ad spend in 2020. (Statista)
  2. Video marketing is the category that has grown the fastest. (Hook Agency)
  3. Nearly half of companies are spending between 4–10% of their revenue on advertising. (Hook Agency)
  4. More than 50% of companies have stated that the highest ROI activities are search-related (which includes content marketing, paid search, and SEO). 
  5. In 2020, Google helped to generate more than 2 billion direct connections for American businesses per month. (Google)
  6. The number of advertisers that use Facebook have more than doubled in the last 18 months. (Wordstream)
  7. The average CTR for a Facebook ad is 0.9%. (Wordstream)
  8. The average cost-per-click (CPC) for a Facebook ad is $1.72. (Wordstream)
  9. The average conversion rate for a Facebook ad is 9.21%. (Wordstream)
  10. It’s anticipated that eCommerce ad spend in the US will exceed $38 billion by the end of 2024. (Statista)
  11. More than 40% of American consumers believe search engine banner ads are good for finding product info. (HubSpot)
  12. Nearly 51% of brands working with influencers run eCommerce stores. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

Payment and Payment Gateway eCommerce Statistics

  1. The two most popular credit card companies are Visa and Mastercard. (Statista)

  2. More than half of consumers indicated that they still rely on credit cards most of the time. (Sykes)

  3. PayPal is the preferred payment method among online shoppers worldwide with 40% of online shoppers using it. For example, in the United States nearly 90% have used it in the past 12 months. (Statista)

  4. Venmo, a US-based digital wallet service that’s owned by PayPal, boasted a payment volume increase of 57% year-on-year in Q2 2021. (Statista)

  5. In 2020, credit card debt dropped for the first time since 2013. That being said, the number of consumer credit card accounts have grown. (Experian)

  6. The average credit card balance for US consumers is just over $5,000, while the average credit card limit is about $30,000. (Experian)

  7. Online sales revenue increased by an average of 26.1% after merchants added an Apple Pay button. 

  8. Nearly 96% of health and beauty retail sites have at least one buy button. (Pymnts)

  9. Even if brick-and-mortar stores offered contactless pay options, nearly a third of consumers indicated that they would still not be more willing to shop in store during the holiday season. (Sykes).

  10. The average website can boost its conversion rate by more than 35% by just improving its checkout design. (Baymard Institute)

  11. It’s expected that the global mobile coupon industry will grow by more than 55% by 2025.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday eCommerce Statistics

  1. In 2020, 71% of UK shoppers delayed shopping in-store for Christmas because of COVID-19 restrictions, while nearly 40% avoided physical shopping locations as much as possible. (The Industry)
  2. A third of UK consumers hoped to get a Christmas bargain during Black Friday in 2020. (The Industry)
  3. About 25% of consumers in North America revealed that they already started searching for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals in early October in the hopes of getting a head start. (Statista)
  4. During 2020’s holiday season, less than 33% of consumers enjoyed every online shopping experience. (Retail Systems Research)
  5. In 2021, Spain was the country where consumers showed the highest eCommerce purchase intent during Black Friday. (Statista)
  6. While Spain might have shown the highest purchase intent, the US still accounted for the highest online search interest for Black Friday. More than 20% of all the search volume came from the US. (Statista)

COVID-19 eCommerce Statistics

  1. 38% of consumers say they’re more comfortable with digital technology than they were before COVID-19 lockdowns. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)
  2. 43% of shoppers have a more positive view of online shopping after COVID-19. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)
  3. The average number of items per order increased by 60% during COVID-19. 
  4. Millennials changed where they shopped and what they bought amid the coronavirus outbreak more than any other generation. More than 50% of millennials indicated that the pandemic affected their purchase decisions, compared to only a third of baby boomers. (CNBC)
  5. Nearly 40% of millennials indicated that they shopped less frequently in brick-and-mortar stores. (CNBC)
  6. In 2020, 5% of US consumers aged 65 years and older bought a product online for the first time because of lockdowns and physical distancing requirements. What’s more, a third of consumers in this age group planned to spend more on products from online marketplaces. (Statista)
  7. More than 40% of consumers tried new brands during the pandemic. This was either because of extended delivery times of unavailability of products.  (Arlington Research)
  8. The food and groceries industry saw 605% growth from January to April 2020, the biggest increase in online sales for any industry. 
  9. Consumers expect to spend 51% of their shopping online post COVID-19. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)
  10. About a fifth of consumers indicated that they wouldn’t change a thing about online shopping based on their experience during COVID-19. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)
  11. Even with proper PPE, nearly 26% of employees working in retail during the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t feel safe. (Sykes)
  12. The vast majority of consumers (87%) feel that online retailers will be better prepared in the event of future lockdowns. (Wunderman Thompson Commerce)
  13. More than half of customers think that businesses should offer new services and products in response to COVID-19. (Salesforce)
  14. Nearly 70% of customers feel that COVID-19 has increased their expectations of the digital capabilities of businesses. (Salesforce)

Wrapping Things Up

With COVID-19, online shopping got a bit of a boost in 2020 and much of this continued into 2021, but, then again, online shopping wasn’t exactly a secret before 2020. While we’ve learned not to try to anticipate what the future might have in store for us, there’s no doubt that eCommerce will continue to hold strong.