And I think Wooloo might be the most lovable sheep Pokémon out there (sorry, Mareep). I mean, just look at a Wooloo or Dubool in-game. They’re both so darn fluffy, and they both feature a great design. And they’re not terrible in battle (right?) So let’s say you’re looking to raise a Wooloo of your own. Well it’s gotta have a great nickname to match your tastes. Whether you want something funny, clever, unique, or just adorable, our list has plenty of ideas for every Pokémon trainer. Flumphy Lambo WooWoo Woolworths Puffball Mary Lou Dubbs Sheepboi Goatboi Fluffy Cashmere Woolooloo Walooigi Cupcake Clarence Mareep2 Wools Fargo Lambchop Babby Floofie Oreo Rambeau Gypsy Walter Knitten Woolol Lulu Baarbara HerdMe Halter Chevy Derper Pouncie Bells Cream Norway Pasture Stumpy Toasty Big Gulp Calliope Caesar Muffy Nami Pearl Sandy Apollo Messiah Tulip Yogi Alexa Billy Reginald Teacup Jeb Polly Skittles Fleecie Seabiscuit Prisma Haybale Willow Pumpernickel Nezha Kirby Bo Peep Scapegoat Shadow Woolicious Mutton Woolly Fluffernut Jasper Dabs Ralph Toyota Ramm Dominica Frilly Franny Loofah Rudolph Baxter Cinnabun Cuddles Ribbon Shion Atticus Woolball Michigan HiFi Sylvester Tapu Yuske Atlas Lupin Berkley Rhine Bianca Haku Harry Hoofer